As a Professor, what can I do about negative reviews on my profile?

You can always flag a review! If you are concerned that a comment violates our site guidelines, please report the rating by selecting the flag icon at the bottom right corner of the comment. Our moderators will review the comment immediately and remove it if it's against our guidelines. If you are unable to flag the comment, this means the comment was already flagged, re-reviewed and determined to not be in violation of our site guidelines.

This is an open site where users can voice their opinions and experiences. Please note that only comments that violate our guidelines are removed. Unfortunately we do not remove ratings just because someone may disagree with it.

As the professor, you also have the ability to reply to your reviews and add any clarifications you see fit. To post these notes you will need to register for a Professor account. You may start that process here.

While it is against our guidelines for a professor to rate themselves, we recommend professors encourage their students to provide ratings each semester. The more reviews you have, the more representative they will be.

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